File List Export for Mac

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One of the apps I recently picked up from the new Bundlehunt sale is File List Export by developer Georgios Trigonakis. This simple but surprisingly powerful utility is available for just a dollar right now. The normal price in the App Store is $7.99. You can get a trial version at the developer’s website.
I tested the app by having it create a spreadsheet of my Obsidian vault containing 9722 files and 1843 folders. You can choose an output file in either csv or xlsx format. By default the app does not calculate folder sizes to speed up the analysis, but you can toggle it on if you want the information. On my M2 MacBook Air, the process was still relatively fast.
The most useful feature of the app is its ability to export metadata from files, particularly helpful for photos, video and music. Because the data ends up in a spreadsheet, you can manipulate and sort it in all kinds of ways. If you have album artwork associated with your music files, it even gets exported into your spreadsheet. You also get the path of every file in your analysis, which can be helpful if you need to operate in the terminal.
For Every File, You Can Get This Info:
- File name
- Date modified
- Date created
- Kind
- Size
- Path (the location of the file)
- Comments
- Tags
- Version
- Pages
- Authors/Artist
- Title
- Album
- Track NO
- Genre
- Year
- Duration
- Audio BitRate
- Audio Encoding Application
- Audio Sample Rate
- Audio Channels
- Dimensions
- Pixel Width
- Pixel Height
- Total Pixels
- Height DPI
- Width DPI
- Color Space
- Color Profile
- Alpha Channel:
- Creator
- Video Bit Rate
- Total Bit Rate
- Codecs
- md5
- sha256
Exif Metadata for Your Photos
- Camera Make
- Description
- Camera Model Name
- Owner Name
- Serial Number
- Copyright
- Software
- Date Taken
- Lens Make
- Lens Model
- Lens Serial Number
- FNumber
- Focal Length
- Flash
- Orientation
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Maps URL
- Camera Make
- Description
- Camera Model Name
- Owner Name
- Serial Number
- Copyright
- Software
- Date Taken
- Lens Make
- Lens Model
- Lens Serial Number
- Fstop
- Focal Length
- Flash
- Orientation
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Maps URL