My Obsidian Plugin List

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I’m not one of those people who
tell others that the only or best way to use Obsidian is by eschewing
plugins and going with a vanilla version of the app. If that works best
for some people, that’s fine, but in my experience, the real power and
enjoyment of the Obsidian experience comes from finding plugins to
extend the functionality of the app.
My primary uses
for Obsidian are:
- Where I do all my writing
- As a life record/journal
- Personal database
The plugins I use are the ones that help me with those tasks. I don't leave all of these turned on all the time. For example, I leave the importer plugin turned off unless I am going to use it immediately. Since I use Obsidian on multiple devices and sync with Obsidian Sync, I am able to use different plugins on each device, a feature you don't get with DIY syncing. I can also have different settings for plugins on different devices. I only use my primary computer with the plugins that sync with external services like RSS and
You can generate your own list of plugins to share with Share my plugin list by Benature
My Plugins
⬇️ Actions URI by Carlo Zottmann ^[Adds additional x-callback-url endpoints to the app for common actions — it's a clean, super-charged addition to Obsidian URI.] - ⬇️ Advanced URI by Vinzent ♡ ^[Advanced modes for Obsidian URI]
- ⬇️ Attachment Management by trganda ♡ ^[Customize your attachment path of notes independently with variables and auto rename it on change.]
- ⬇️ Auto Note Mover by faru ^[Auto Note Mover will automatically move the active notes to their respective folders according to the rules.]
- ⬇️ Beautitab by Andrew McGivery ♡ ^[Creates a customizable new tab view with beautiful backgrounds, quotes, search, and more.]
- ⬇️ Better Search Views by ivan-lednev ♡ ^[Outliner-like breadcrumb trees for search, backlinks and embedded queries ]
- ⬇️ Better Word Count by Luke Leppan ^[Counts the words of selected text in the editor.]
- ⬇️ Buttons by shabegom ^[Create Buttons in your Obsidian notes to run commands, open links, and insert templates]
- ⬇️ Calendar by Liam Cain ^[Calendar view of your daily notes]
- ⬇️ Commander by jsmorabito & phibr0 ♡ ^[Customize your workspace by adding commands everywhere, create Macros and supercharge your mobile toolbar.]
- ⬇️ Dataview by Michael Brenan ^[Complex data views for the data-obsessed.]
- ⬇️ Editing Toolbar by Cuman ♡ ^[The Obsidian Editing Toolbar is modified from cmenu, which provides more powerful customization settings and has many built-in editing commands to be a MS Word-like toolbar editing experience.]
- ⬇️ Extract url content by Stephen Solka ^[Extract url converting content into markdown]
- ⬇️ File Explorer++ by kelszo ^[Hide and pin files and folders in the file explorer using custom filters, such as wildcards and regex, based on their names, paths, and tags. Additionally, achieve the same with a single click in the file menu.]
- ⬇️ File Manager ^[Adds missing features to the file explorer.]
- ⬇️ Folder Note by xpgo ^[Click a folder node to show a note describing the folder.]
- ⬇️ History Today by Yaob1990 ^[View and review your historical notes from this day across previous years]
- ⬇️ Iconize by Florian Woelki ^[Add icons to anything you desire in Obsidian, including files, folders, and text.]
- ⬇️ LanguageTool Integration by Clemens Ertle ^[Inofficial LanguageTool plugin]
- ⬇️ Linter by Victor Tao ^[Formats and styles your notes. It can be used to format YAML tags, aliases, arrays, and metadata; footnotes; headings; spacing; math blocks; regular markdown contents like list, italics, and bold styles; and more with the use of custom rule options as well.]
- ⬇️ Metadata Menu by mdelobelle ♡ ^[For data quality enthusiasts (and dataview users): manage the metadata of your notes.]
- ⬇️ Mononote by Carlo Zottmann ^[Ensures each note occupies only one tab. If a note is already open, its existing tab will be focussed instead of opening the same file in the current tab.]
- ⬇️ Multi Properties by technohiker ^[Adds Properties to multiple notes at once. Either right-click a folder, or select multiple notes and right-click the selection.]
- ⬇️ Omnisearch by Simon Cambier ♡/♡ ^[A search engine that just works]
- ⬇️ Periodic Notes by Liam Cain ^[Create/manage your daily, weekly, and monthly notes]
- ⬇️ Plugin Update Tracker ^[Know when installed plugins have updates and evaluate the risk of upgrading]
- ⬇️ QuickAdd by Christian B. B. Houmann ♡ ^[Quickly add new pages or content to your vault.]
- ⬇️ Raindrop Highlights by kaiiiz ^[Sync your highlights.]
- ⬇️ Read Later by Gabriele Cannata ^[Synch web pages to markdown and integrate with read-it-later apps (Pocket, Instapaper)]
- ⬇️ Readability Score by zuchka ^[Score the readabilty of your writing using the Flesch Reading Ease (FRE) formula.]
- ⬇️ ReadItLater by Dominik Pieper ^[Save online content to your Vault, utilize embedded template engine and organize your reading list to your needs. Preserve the web with ReadItLater.]
- ⬇️ Recent Files by Tony Grosinger ♡/♡/♡ ^[List files by most recently opened]
- ⬇️ Rss Copyist by aoout ^[Get the rss articles as mdfiles.]
- ⬇️ Safe Filename Linter by sneaky-foxes ^[Lints filenames for invalid or troublesome characters]
- ⬇️ Settings Search by Jeremy Valentine ^[Globally search settings in]
- ⬇️ Shortcut Launcher by MacStories ^[Trigger shortcuts in Apple's Shortcuts app from Obsidian with custom commands.]
- ⬇️ Style Settings by mgmeyers ^[Offers controls for adjusting theme, plugin, and snippet CSS variables.]
- ⬇️ Tag Wrangler by PJ Eby ♡ ^[Rename, merge, toggle, and search tags from the tag pane]
- ⬇️ TagFolder by vorotamoroz ^[Show tags as folder]
- ⬇️ Text Generator by Noureddine Haouari ♡ ^[Text generation using AI]
- ⬇️ Things Logbook by Liam Cain ^[Sync your Logbook with daily notes]
- ⬇️ Things3 Today by wudanyang6 ^[Manage today's tasks with Things3]
- ⬇️ Waypoint by Idrees Hassan ^[Easily generate dynamic content maps in your folder notes using waypoints. Enables folders to show up in the graph view and removes the need for messy tags!]
- ⬇️ Update modified date by Alan Grainger ♡ ^[Automatically update a frontmatter modified date field when you modify your note. This will not use the filesystem time, but only when you modify the file through Obsidian. Optionally store a history of edit times.]
- ⬇️ Templater by SilentVoid ^[Create and use templates]
- ⬇️ Paste URL into selection ^[Paste URL "into" selected text.]
- ⬇️ Local Images Plus by catalysm, aleksey-rezvov, Sergei Korneev ♡ ^[Local Images Plus plugin searches for all external media links in your notes, downloads and saves them locally and adjusts the links in your notes to point to the saved files.]
- ⬇️ Global Search and Replace by Mahmoud Fawzy Khalil ^[Search and replace in all vault files]
- ⬇️ Share my plugin list by Benature ☕️/⚡️/♡ ^[Share the enabled plugins in list/table format.]
- ⬇️ Arcana by A-F-V ♡ ^[A collection of AI powered tools]
- ⬇️ Automatic Table Of Contents by Johan Satgé ^[Create a table of contents in a note, that updates itself when the note changes]
- ⬇️ Bluesky by eharris128 ^[Post to Bluesky.]
- ⬇️ BRAT by TfTHacker ♡ ^[Easily install a beta version of a plugin for testing.]
- ⬇️ Find orphaned files and broken links by Vinzent ♡ ^[Find files that are not linked anywhere and would otherwise be lost in your vault. In other words: files with no backlinks.]
- ⬇️ Image Picker by ari.the.elk ♡ ^[Adds a UI panel for quickly selecting images that are in your vault.]
- ⬇️ Lazy Plugin Loader by Alan Grainger ♡ ^[Load plugins with a delay on startup, so that you can get your app startup down into the sub-second loading time.]
- ⬇️ Map View ^[An interactive map view.]
- ⬇️ Media DB by Moritz Jung ♡ ^[A plugin that can query multiple APIs for movies, series, anime, games, music and wiki articles, and import them into your vault.]
- ⬇️ Note Refactor ^[Extract note content into new notes and split notes]
- ⬇️ Novel word count by Isaac Lyman ♡ ^[Displays a word count (and more!) for each file, folder and vault in the File Explorer pane.]