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Many people have become concerned that changes in the US politics, the FCC and attitudes in the big American tech companies may result in less reliable privacy protections in the software they use. One solution is to move to using apps and services provided by European and Canadian companies. Australian writer Joan Westernberg did a deep dive on her tech stack recently, and here are a few apps she recommended, some of which I have featured previously on AppAddict.

ToDoist - Europe

ToDoist is a privacy first task and calendar app available for macOS and iOS available on the App Store. Todoist is a simple yet powerful planner tool that organizes both your life and work. It can also be used a habit tracker. Subscription based.

iAWriter - Switzerland

iAwriter a markdown/plain text editor designed especially for writing and document creation. It isn't a text editor in the fashion of VS Code or BBEdit. If you aren't a markdown wiz, all the commands are accessible from the menu bar. The simplified interface is its hallmark, but it has various powerful tools behind the curtains. Your documents are local by default, with options to use end-to-end encrypted storage solutions. More information

Proton - Switzerland

The Proton Foundation offers a list of encrypted services including email, cloud storage, a password manager, a calendar, and a VPN. None of its products are subject to US surveillance laws. It markets itself on its privacy features and isn't likely to follow the VC funded pattern of using your data to maximize profit.

Joplin - France

Joplin is an open-source notes app that offers a local only option or syncing on servers based in France. You can also opt for syncing on your choice of end-to-end encrypted services. It offers importing from various formats including Evernote, Markdown and plain text. It has a powerful web clipper and a plugin architecture, making it an extensible choice with support for multiple platforms.

Vivaldi - Norway and Iceland

Vivaldi is my browser choice for its built-in privacy and tracking protections and its extreme customization options. It has powerful security, power consumptions, appearance and tab management features as well as a built-in calendar, email and feed reader. There is a companion app for iOS.

LibreOffice - Germany

LibreOffice is a full-featured open-source office suite used by millions. It features a word processor, spreadsheets, presentations in an open format but can also open and save in Microsoft Office formats. Microsoft products are infamous for being telemetry filled and AI influenced. This is a solid privacy protecting alternative.

Cozy Cloud - France

Cozy Cloud is a personal cloud to gather all your data like bills, notes, and passwords. It's GDPR, privacy-focused, open source, and hosted in France. It has a limited free plan for you to investigate.

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