Stickier - Free Notes App with Power User Features

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Stickier is a free sticky notes app that ticks a lot of boxes when it comes to useful features.

  • iCloud sync for use on multiple devices
  • Quick notes feature with custom hotkey for quick text entry
  • Custom note color, text color and background image if desired. You can set a default for all notes and change individual notes to make them stand out
  • Custom text, text size and margins
  • Import and export notes
  • Clickable links
  • Checklists
  • Menu bar and/or dock access

Stickier keeps a history of changes to each note, allowing you to revert to an earlier version or recover data if you need to. You can share the text of any note via the Mac share sheet. When it comes to pinning notes, you can leave a note open at its regular size, or you can collapse it so that it shows only the first line of text. You can choose the size and location of each note, moving it anywhere you'd like on your display.

Custom formatting includes bulleted lists as well as bold, italic and strike-through text. You can use the return key to create a paragraph break in a note, or a button in the interface to create a new line without the paragraph break.

You can get the app from the Mac App Store for free. The iOS app is $4.99.

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